Randall, J., M. Mehta, S. Patel, R. Shah, & H. Lightbody. Quantifiers in the Law: The California Jury Instruction Pilot Study. 13th International Student Poster Presentation Conference. Budapest, May.

Randall, J., M. Mehta, S. Patel, & R. Shah. Quantifiers in the Law: The California Jury Instruction Pilot Study. 17th Annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium, April.

Randall, J., L. Solan, A. Petti, S. Caruso, K. Rysdam, M. Mehta, R. Stewart, C. Jacob, & T. Akinyoade. Cars and trucks [on weekends]?: Interpreting PPs in legal language. 13th International Student Poster Presentation Conference. Budapest, May.

Randall, J., L. Solan, A. Petti, S. Caruso, K. Rysdam, M. Mehta, R. Shah, & H. Naftelberg. Cars and trucks [with permits]: Resolving legal ambiguities with psycholinguistic data. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting. Denver, January.

Randall, J., L. Solan, A. Petti, S. Caruso, K. Rysdam, M. Mehta, R. Shah, & H. Naftelberg. Cars and trucks [with permits]: Resolving legal ambiguities with psycholinguistic data. Penn Linguistics Conference, University of Pennsylvania, January.


Randall, J., M. Mehta, S. Patel, & R. Shah. The California Jury Instruction Project: Kidnapping, a Pilot Study. Northeastern University Linguistics Research Forum, December.


Randall, J., S. Bonnin, A. Robbins, S. Laureano, & Y. Xu. Factors influencing jury instruction comprehension: New insights from working memory. 33rd Annual CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, March.


Randall, J., S. Laureano, M. Monjarrez, K. Fiallo, A. MacNeal, Y. Xu, S. Jones, A. Isaacs, B. Rubin, A. Jones, R. Smith, & F. Reis. Law, meet Linguistics. Showcase: Expanding the Reach of Linguistics: Collaborations with Other Disciplines and Beyond. Linguistics Society of America Annual Meting. Salt Lake City, January.

Randall, J., A. MacNeal, H. Emerson, K. Fiallo, S. Laureano, & Y. Xu. How Just is Justice? Ask a Psycholinguist. Lynschrift18, an Homage to UMass Linguist Lyn Frazier. Amherst, May.

Randall, J. , A. MacNeal, Y. Xu, H. Emerson & K. Fiallo. Jargon and Justice: Using Linguistics to Improve Legal Language. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, January.


Randall, J., A. MacNeal, H. Emerson, K. Fiallo, S. Laureano & Y. Xu. Beyond undergraduates: Strengthening psycholinguistic studies – and their impact – using MTurk. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Austin. January.


Randall, J. Y. Xu, K. Fiallo, A. MacNeal, H. Emerson, & S. Laureano. The preponderance of the WHAT?: Factors in the comprehension: Factors in the comprehension of jury instructions. Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Boston, November.

Randall, J. H. Emerson, A. Dore, J. Tan, A. MacNeal, Y. Xu, K. Fiallo, & A. McPherson. Reading along helps: an MTurk study on jury instruction comprehension. Research, Innovation, and Scholarship Expo (RISE) 2016. Northeastern University, April.


Randall, J. & K. Fiallo. Improving juror comprehension: reading while listening. American Society of Trial Consultants Annual Conference. Nashville. May.

Randall, J. L. Graf, & N. Clarke. Improving juror comprehension: reading while listening. Linguistic Society of America annual meeting. Portland, Oregon, January.


Randall, J. & L. Graf. Linguistics meets “legalese”: syntax, semantics, and jury instruction reform. Linguistic Society of America annual meeting. Minneapolis, January.